Why did you build Fide?

Fide was created to address the socialization and connection challenges that exist in the modern workplace. Teams are distributed between in-office and remote locations, making regular and meaningful interactions with colleagues more difficult. Existing productivity solutions have allowed coworkers to become more efficient, but aren’t designed to help people get to know each other better. In addition, there are increasingly fewer moments of daily collective experiences that create opportunities for shared identity and bonding.
As a fully remote team, we experienced many of these challenges and built a solution to help us feel a deeper sense of connection and build an authentic community. We hope you’ll give us a try and would love your feedback: hello@fide.co!

What is Fide?

Fide is a secure social app for coworkers. Get to know your colleagues regardless of location, connect through shared interests, communicate privately and securely, and build a lasting professional community.

What is a private beta?

To ensure the app’s quality, we are currently in the private beta phase of our product development process. Only a limited number of companies have been invited to use Fide at this time before it's available to the general public. This means that you can only access the app if you are an employee of a company that has been granted access. If you are not part of a company that has access, you can still sign up for our waitlist to be among the first to join Fide when it is available!

Is Fide free?

Fide is totally free.

Is Fide on Android

Fide is currently iOS only, but we plan to launch an Android app in the future.

What content is alllowed on Fide?

You can find our Community Guidelines here.

How can we get in touch?

Press: press@fide.co
Feedback: hello@fide.co
DMCA notifications: dmca@fide.co